Register Here - Support Group
Before you sign up, please read below to see if this group is right for you.
This Support Group is a small, private group. This means once it starts, it is closed to other participants. Group will be limited to under 20 participants. Meetings are held exclusively online at this time.
Overview: This is an online educational support group intended to improve connection, stress management, and mindful self-care in relation to pandemic related distress and current or future uncertainty. It is not a therapy group. This means we will not be addressing, diagnosing or responsible for the physical or mental health of participants. The group will consist of thematic discussions and exercises, as well as mindfulness practices, including gentle movement, which are designed to help with the stated goals of supporting participants who are coping with or recovering from pandemic-related stress. You can participate in the discussions or not, as you feel comfortable.
We have designed this group to promote safety and connection for enhanced social support and belonging. Therefore, we will not entertain political discussions, advice-giving, or personal opinions about others. Rather we will be sharing, learning and experiencing from our personal experiences only.
Commitment: We request that you commit to completing all 4 sessions in order to receive the intended benefits. Please set aside time, in a private location, and arrive on-time for each group session. We ask that you plan to keep your camera on during the group, but if this presents excessive strain for you, you may speak or email with one of the facilitators about this and arrange for a more appropriate plan.
Logistics & Payment: Upon registration, an Information & Consent Form and Payment link will be sent to you within 24 hours. Immediate return of the Consent ensures you will be able to participate in the first session.
Course fee of $240 is due in full by the end of the first meeting. This means you will have an opportunity to try the group before committing. Limited scholarships are available upon request.
Information on facilitators:
Simone Finnis, LMFT, works with individuals, couples and families to embrace their strengths and facilitate their journey to mental and emotional well-being. Simone is experienced in facilitating groups, having successfully offered premarital courses and parenting classes in the past. She is also trained in small group ministry. Simone recently wrote the well-received Meditation Journal for Teens.
Debra Annane, MA, MPH, is a certified mindfulness-based instructor, registered yoga teacher, and adjunct faculty at University of Miami. She is versed in behavioral health and health education for chronic illness and prevention and works in public health. She currently offers mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) and mindfulness programs. Debra is passionate about helping people cope with toxic stress and health inequities.